Answered By: Joyce A. Miller
Last Updated: Sep 15, 2024     Views: 1976

No and maybe - it's a judgment call.  

At campus computers (in the IT open lab on main floor, or in the library on the top floor), no food is allowed at all, and only securely-closed beverages. 

Elsewhere in the library (at tables or study carrels, for instance), library users should...:

  • Bring only covered, securely-closed, spill-proof beverage containers.
  • Bring only light snacks that will not disturb other library users with their noise and odor.
    • For example: granola bars, pretzels, dried fruit and other quiet snacks are OK. Please keep package crinkling noises to a minimum. 
    • Full meals and messy or smelly foods are not OK: pizza, fried foods, drippy or crumbly sandwiches/bagels, food that leaves a mess, for example. Bleah! 
      • Go to the Wolf Den across from the Einstein Cafe in Scoville to eat those. That's a "meal zone." 
      • Pizza and other food deliveries are NOT allowed in the library. Go to the Wolf Den instead. 
  • Always leave your space clean for the next person.
    • Recycle bottles.
    • Put crumbs and wrappers in the trash. 
    • Notify the staff of any accidental spills as soon as they can.
  • Those who do not comply with these guidelines may be asked to leave the library. It is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct to fail to comply with directions of college employees, including librarians. 

Use the Wolf Den, the student lounge (across from Einstein’s Café) for all other food, including:

  • Greasy, sticky, crumbly or aromatic foods: pizza, pizza bagels, hamburgers, onions, fried food, etc.
  • Full meals
  • Off-campus food deliveries
  • Beverage containers without lids

Following these policies in our shared space keeps the library a pleasant and peaceful place to study. It also ensures that college funds will not be spent needlessly replacing damaged materials, furniture and computer equipment.

The Library Division has adopted this policy regarding food and drink in the library. Thanks for complying!